We lessen the impact of cancer.
We awhi those with it. We advocate to minimise it. We research to eradicate it.
And we aspire to do more.
In fact, we aspire to leave a legacy for generations to come. An organisation that is inclusive, innovative, relevant, sustainable and at the forefront of minimising the impact of cancer on whānau.
The postcode lottery will be a thing of the past; families will have access to modern first world medicines in line with the rest of the Western World and not have to self-fund through givealittle; we won't be needed to run SunSmart in Schools, the Ministry of Education will see the value of it and take responsibility for it; vaping will be regulated and our tamariki will be safe from messaging around smoking and alcohol; we’ll be able to eat outdoors in any café throughout Te Waipounamu free from smoke; cancer outcomes and access to treatment will be equitable for all; we’ll have climbed our way back up the OECD for all cancer metrics such an incidence and mortality; there will be no tax on sunscreen and whānau will have easy and affordable access to healthy food choices.
To achieve different outcomes, we must do different things. The future we’ve described is one that needs us to be agile, adaptive and efficient across all aspects of our operations. We'll be diverse, reflecting the communities that we support in an environment that embraces diverse perspectives. We'll be fast followers of change, prepared for technical disruption, and we'll be designing and delivering experiences for whānau, donors and volunteers who want more personalised relationships with us. The environment we operate in is rapidly evolving - we can't stand still.
By joining forces and uniting our resources, expertise and networks we can maximise our impact and create a powerful force for positive change. Through Maggie we'll be exploring the benefits such as improved outcomes for whānau, reduced costs and duplication, increased efficiencies, sustainable revenue streams and opportunities for kaimahi.
To achieve this takes courage and a willingness to change. It means taking responsibility to leave a legacy for the next generation. It's not about what's good for 'me' or what's good for 'us', it's about what's good for the future, and through shared goals, shared values and shared efforts we will lessen the impact of cancer, which after all, is why we're all here.